ET craft – in transdimensional from France 2010 CSETI training

This photo was taken by Emery Smith at the CSETI training in France (2010).  For some reason it was inserted at minute 5 in this Sirius Witness testimony.   The purple form floating above the corn field is the ET craft in a trans-dimensional form.  Emery would have seen the craft, or received some signal indicating that it was present, and then he would have taken the photo.  To my knowledge no one else saw this form when it appeared.

ET Craft_France 2010 CSETI training by Emery Smith

I was present at this training in Brittany, France (near Chateaubriant).  In July, on the continent, the sun is still setting at 9:30 pm.  Just as the sun was setting, I was staring at the same corn field with the trees in the background.  Suddenly, I saw six? diamond points of light shower down between us and the trees. I yelped, and a few others turned around to see the last few…. it was an ET craft coming in trans-dimensionally.  About 20 minutes later someone else yelped and in the same direction I saw what looked like a gray metal flag with a long white ribbon-like tail trailing behind, also coming down between us and the trees.  I assumed it was another ET craft, a gray disc that was going trans-dimensional but the reflective metal of the disc was still partially lit by the twilight, a few others saw it as well.  Both of these craft were coming in so fast that they must have been entering the ground, then re-emerging later, that was the reason for going trans-dimensional.

Dr. Greer was doing a puja ceremony on this night, and the ETs like to come in for the ceremony.  The implication is that this ceremony, a prayer for universal peace, may have originated off-planet long before humanity existed.  The ETs are always excited to see it happening and they like to join us.

Emery Smith has taken so many wonderful photos, I hope they will be released someday soon.

Cheers, Deb